
Love Makes Such Fools Of Us All

*I just got this dress from Mystic Times and i can't wait for it to arrive. It's so pretty and smart! and it was only for €15. 
*I don't know why but this weekend felt like longer than 2 days and it actually felt joly good! I went to this course about International business/trade and enjoyed it alot. I think it's because i miss uni damn much. Then we celebrated Mom's and brother's b.day on sunday which was nice. 
*I watched The King's Speech on saturday. It was a very good film and i really enjoyed it. It's been so long since i've watched a historical film. I love Colin Firth and Helena Bonham Carter!

*I found out the weaknesses of my sign (which is leo) whilst reading the news today. Apparently i am prone to jealousy, too much possessive, dominating. I think they're pretty true. Don't know if it's that bad but i was surprised to see that i was a true leo.. roaaar!

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